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How fast should be virtual reality to look like actual reality? In low range VR headsets as Google Cardboard, there is a perceptible...

VR Short Lesson 1 - How fast should be virtual reality to look like actual reality?

How fast should be virtual reality to look like actual reality?

In low range VR headsets as Google Cardboard, there is a perceptible delay between the movement of your head and the image shown on the screen.

It is called “lag”, that directly impacts the quality of experience of the VR user.  It is the result of the existing latency that our headset or mobile device have.

lag and latency

Current non-VR videogames normally provide around 50 milliseconds of latency between the controller input and the image generated on the screen, which is more than enough for having a smooth experience on stationary displays.

But in order to achieve a feeling of “actual reality” within “virtual reality”, much more precision is required: ideally a VR device should provide a delay in the range of 7-14 milliseconds to look like reality, but this has not been achieved yet. John Carmack, CTO of Oculus, says that 20 milliseconds of latency provided by their Rift is deemed acceptable by most of the users.

There is also a physical limitation with actual LCD screens. No matter how fast is your video processor, these kind of displays show traces of old pixels many tens of milliseconds after the image was changed. That’s’ why all VR devices as HTC Vive, PS VR or this Oculus Rift use OLED screens.

Let’s see an interesting experiment applying lag in real life!